Roadcheck 2025 is Coming: Are you ready?

Roadcheck is scheduled for May 13-15, 2025. Here are steps you can take to prepare.

Published On: 03/05/2025
Driver checking tire pressure
J. J. Keller Industry Consultant Tom Bray

Written by:

Tom Bray

Sr. Industry Business Advisor — J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc.

International Roadcheck 2025, the annual 72-hour inspection blitz conducted by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) roadside inspection officer members, is scheduled for May 13 to 15, 2025.

During this 72-hour period, officers will be doing as many roadside inspections as possible, with an emphasis on Level I inspections (the complete driver and vehicle inspection).

Are you ready? Here are steps you can take to prepare:


  • Verify that all your vehicles are all current on scheduled maintenance and maintenance inspections.
  • Verify that all your vehicles have a current periodic/annual inspection and that your drivers know how to locate the proof of inspection that is on the vehicle (the copy of the periodic/annual inspection report or the decal).
  • Verify with your drivers and maintenance personnel/provider that there are no outstanding defects on your vehicles that are on the road.
  • Remind your drivers to conduct proper pre-trip inspections, enroute inspections, and post-trip inspections and to communicate any defects immediately.
  • Remind your drivers to not operate a vehicle if a defect is found on a pretrip and to submit a driver vehicle inspection report (DVIR) if there is a defect on the vehicle at the end of the workday.
  • Immediately deal with any defects reported by the drivers.
  • Verify that you are dealing with any defect a driver reports on a DVIR before the vehicle operates again.


  • Check your driver qualification (DQ) files and verify that all drivers have valid credentials.
  • While checking the DQ files, verify that all your CDL drivers have current medical information on their motor vehicle record (MVR).
  • Remind your drivers to have their credentials with them when operating a commercial vehicle (driver’s license and medical card in the case of a non-CDL driver, CDL in the case of a CDL driver). Consider spot-checking drivers as they leave your facilities.
  • Remind your drivers to drive compliantly, defensively, and safely to not give an officer a reason to pull them over and initiate an inspection.
  • Use the systems you have in place (complaint numbers, ECM or ELD monitoring, dash cameras) to verify drivers are operating safely and compliantly.
  • Remind your drivers to keep their logs and ELD entries current.
  • Verify your drivers using ELDs have the required documentation in the cab (ELD user manual, malfunction and transfer instructions, and at least eight blank logs) and are certifying their logs at the end of each workday.
  • Remind your drivers that the week before and during Roadcheck is not the time to “bend” the hours-of-service regulations (consider providing a special reminder to drivers that have a history of trying to bend the hours-of-service regulations).

If executed correctly, these verifications and reminders can increase your odds of having an uneventful International Roadcheck in 2025.

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