Comprehensive Roadside Inspection Checklist For Drivers, Maintenance, and Carriers

Help your fleet prepare for roadside inspections with our 3-part checklist that includes specific guidance for drivers, maintenance personnel, and carriers.

As stakeholders and influencers of roadside inspections, each area has an important role to play and specific ways in which they can contribute to the success of each inspection:

  • Drivers — Prepare for the interview, documents and credentials check, hours-of-service check, and vehicle check
  • Maintenance — Conduct obvious checks as well as inspections of hard-to-see components that drivers overlook or cannot check
  • Carriers — Identify compliance gaps and opportunities for process improvements that reduce violations and OOS events

Download this comprehensive checklist today and talk with a compliance specialist about how the Encompass® Fleet Management System can help you reduce and eliminate violations during roadside inspections.

Roadside Inspection Checklists

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